Active Insoles

Neurophysiological Orthoses / Insoles: - podo orthesiological (Breukhoven) - podo aetiological (Lydia Aich) Pain on the foot, if it is not from a injury, clues to a problem which root cause is to find/search in the floors above. The here offered, static modulating insoles consider the actual attitude and biomechanics of the body. The rehabilitative projection does here not work about the physical lever (which works directly over the bony system) rather through the change of muscle tone, of the „correction“ over the whole static can take effect. With the verification method of the head rotation measurement(HMSU) the effect, the course of therapy and the supply success can be shown and very good documented. I am always particulary happy, if especially with some lesions it can bring distinct improvement agility and life quality with insoles and shoes. Often becomes additional the knowloedge and efforts from osteopaths, physiotherapists, doctors, dentists, ... used to get permanent results. A co-operation which I appreciate very much for the benefit of the patient. Please only by appointment


PodoÄtiologie         nach Lydia Aich®
Öffnungszeiten: Montag - Freitag, von 9°°Uhr bis 12°°Uhr und 14°°Uhr bis 16 30 Uhr Donnerstag Nachmittag: Geschlossen Schuh-Werk 2024
insole thickness:  from 1,5 mm insole instruction manual Detailed Info´s concerning  Insoles, Effects and Proof Info: Einlagen für Kinder & Jugendliche Info: Insoles for  kids & youngsters
Die Verbindungvon Körpersensoren, Füßen und Haltung bringt uns durch den Tag. Die Basis dafür sind unsere Schuhe! & Statik

Active Insoles

Neurophysiological Orthoses / Insoles: - podo orthesiological (Breukhoven) - podo aetiological (Lydia Aich) Pain on the foot, if it is not from a injury, clues to a problem which root cause is to find/search in the floors above. The here offered, static modulating insoles consider the actual attitude and biomechanics of the body. The rehabilitative projection does here not work about the physical lever (which works directly over the bony system) rather through the change of muscle tone, of the „correction“ over the whole static can take effect. With the verification method of the head rotation measurement(HMSU) the effect, the course of therapy and the supply success can be shown and very good documented. I am always particulary happy, if especially with some lesions it can bring distinct improvement agility and life quality with insoles and shoes. Often becomes additional the knowloedge and efforts from osteopaths, physiotherapists, doctors, dentists, ... used to get permanent results. A co-operation which I appreciate very much for the benefit of the patient. Please only by appointment


Schuh-Werk 2024
Öffnungszeiten: Montag - Freitag, von 9°°Uhr bis 12°°Uhr und 14°°Uhr bis 16 30 Uhr Donnerstag Nachmittag: Geschlossen
& Statik Die Verbindung aus Körpersensoren, Füßen und Haltung bringt uns durch den Tag. Die Basis dazu sind unsere Schuhe!
insole thickness:  from 1,5 mm insole instruction manual Detailed Info´s concerning  Insoles, Effects and Proof Info: Einlagen für Kinder & Jugendliche Info: Insoles for  kids & youngsters